Like the original Jagged Alliance series, Jagged Alliance Flashback gives you the choice to use your preferred tactics and build your squad around it – rush in with heavy armed troops or take the high road of distance shots and sniping. Fight back for freedom, sector by sector, turn by turn. Take control of your own band of mercenaries, lead them into battle and manage your resources wisely. Arriving on the island, the player’s mission is to help the rebellion before things take a turn for the worse. However, once the head of the rebels is arrested, the insurgents quickly dissolve. yet a group of rebels fights for democratic values and freedom. A corrupt leader has the islands in his grasp. It is 1988 on the Caribbean island group of San Hermanos. Just click on StartJA link.Jagged Alliance is back – and it is all about the unique mix of turn based tactics, fierce battles, squad management and crazy mercenary personalities. There, Brenda and her father request that the player hires mercenaries through the Association of International Mercenaries to reclaim the island from Santino's forces sector by sector. When the game begins, the player is contacted by Jack Richards and is invited to the island. He immediately began to recruit new people and gradually took over the island by force. Santino consequently established a new base on the other side of the island. He managed to convince Jack Richards, the leader of the scientific mission, that it would be beneficial to have two independent science teams. Her assistant, Lucas Santino, realised how profitable this sap would be. However, Brenda also discovered that the trees could not reproduce. The nuclear tests altered some trees on the island, and several years later it was discovered by a scientist, Brenda Richards, that those trees, known as Fallow trees, produce unique sap that proves to be a medical marvel. Jagged Alliance takes place on the fictional South Atlantic island of Metavira, a former nuclear testing site.

Jagged Alliance, is a tactical role-playing game released in 1994 for MS-DOS by Sir-Tech.